python3-rpkg-1.61-1.el8$>xpm1"AoX>C(?d  F  "(022 \2 2 2 z2 2t2n2h2H|#((809@:/<BG2H2IÈ2XüYZ[\2]ĸ2^2 bɽd eflt02u2vw2x2yΤ@ϤϨCpython3-rpkg1.611.el8Python library for interacting with rpm+gitA python library for managing RPM package sources in a git 0Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+ and LGPLv2Fedora ProjectUnspecified ` `  %6%6   0   11W&. BH F _FA큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤A큤_X_P?|_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_P 7_.v^_*@_X_P?|_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_P?|_P?|_*A_*A_*A_P?|_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_*A_P0_X]Z]Z]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-1.61-1.el8.src.rpmpython3-rpkgpython3.6dist(rpkg)python3dist(rpkg)@ @ @@ @@@      libmodulemdmockpython(abi)python3-GitPythonpython3-PyYAMLpython3-cccolutilspython3-gobject-basepython3-kojipython3-pycurlpython3-rpmpython3-sixpython3.6dist(cccolutils)python3.6dist(gitpython)python3.6dist(pycurl)python3.6dist(pyyaml)python3.6dist(requests)python3.6dist(six)redhat-rpm-configrpkg-commonrpm-buildrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)rpmlint3. _L@_-B@_%Y@_!d^˳@^@^>@^t@^2@^ @]N@]A]]y@]y@]W@]B@]A]:@\F@\F@\@\@\@\@\@\+@\\\Yz\X)@\U@\-@\I[_[@[h@[{[Y[U@[I[(@[ZZԐ@Z̧@Z1@ZZ}@Zg#ZY@Y@YJYyYcl@YTYK@YC@XX}@XXX[@XWXRXN@XN@XIK@XGXAb@XI@WίWW@W@Wq@Wq@WPV@VJVVV=@V*!@V(V'~@V'~@UK@UUd`@Ud`@U/@U+U@TT~@T5'@T*@T%U@S׌S׌SSP@S0@SK@QB@Qb@QP$P O O@OpZ@OiO]@OOdO@ON=@N@N@NNx@Nw.NK@N6@N&@MAMAMAMM@Ondřej Nosek - 1.61-1Ondřej Nosek - 1.60-8Ondřej Nosek - 1.60-7Fedora Release Engineering - 1.60-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.60-5Miro Hrončok - 1.60-4Ondřej Nosek - 1.60-3Ondřej Nosek - 1.60-2Ondřej Nosek - 1.60-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.59-6Ondřej Nosek - 1.59-5Ondřej Nosek - 1.59-4Ondřej Nosek - 1.59-3Ondrej Nosek - 1.59-2Ondřej Nosek - 1.59-1Ondřej Nosek - 1.58-10Miro Hrončok - 1.58-9Ondřej Nosek - 1.58-8Stephen Gallagher - 1.58-7Fedora Release Engineering - 1.58-6Ondřej Nosek - 1.58-5Ondřej Nosek - 1.58-4Ondřej Nosek - 1.58-3Ondrej Nosek - 1.58-2Ondřej Nosek - 1.58-1Ondřej Nosek - 1.57-9Pavel Raiskup - 1.57-8Igor Gnatenko - 1.57-7Ondřej Nosek - 1.57-6Ondřej Nosek - 1.57-5Lubomír Sedlář - 1.57-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.57-3Ondřej Nosek - 1.57-2Ondřej Nosek - 1.57-1Ondřej Nosek - 1.56-4Ondřej Nosek - 1.56-3Owen Taylor - 1.56-2Chenxiong Qi - 1.56-1Chenxiong Qi - 1.55-2Chenxiong Qi - 1.55-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.54-4Miro Hrončok - 1.54-3Chenxiong Qi - 1.54-2Chenxiong Qi - 1.54-1Chenxiong Qi - 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1.37-1Pavol Babincak - 1.36-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.35-3Dennis Gilmore - 1.35-2Pavol Babincak - 1.35-1Pavol Babincak - 1.34-1Pavol Babincak - 1.33-1Pavol Babincak - 1.32-1Pavol Babincak - 1.31-1Pavol Babincak - 1.30-2Pavol Babincak - 1.30-1Pavol Babincak - 1.28-1Pavol Babincak - 1.27-1Pavol Babincak - 1.26-1Pavol Babincak - 1.25-1Pavol Babincak - 1.24-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.21-2Pavol Babincak - 1.21-1Dennis Gilmore - 1.20-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.19-2Pavol Babincak - 1.19-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.18-4Robert Scheck - 1.18-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.18-2Jesse Keating - 1.18-1Jesse Keating - 1.17-1Jesse Keating - 1.16-1Jesse Keating - 1.15-1Jesse Keating - 1.14-1Jesse Keating - 1.13-1Jesse Keating - 1.12-1Jesse Keating - 1.11-1Jesse Keating - 1.10-1Jesse Keating - 1.9-1Jesse Keating - 1.8-1Jesse Keating - 1.7-1Jesse Keating - 1.6-1Jesse Keating - 1.5-1Jesse Keating - 1.4-1Jesse Keating - 1.3-1Jesse Keating - 1.2-1Jesse Keating - 1.1-2Jesse Keating - 1.1-1Jesse Keating - 1.0-2Jesse Keating - 1.0-1- Pytest update and prune (onosek) - Re-enable clog tests (onosek) - Skip directories inside of imported srpm file - rhbz#1866297 (onosek) - Skip 'sources' file when it is missing - rhbz#1867440 (onosek) - New layout for retired packages - rhbz#1867822 (onosek) - added a extendable layout module to deal with different package layouts within the CLI (2183506+odra) - Add (onosek) - Pytest replaces nosetests - #501 (onosek) - Disable some test for 'clog' functionality (onosek) - Suggest a way to track remote branch - update (onosek) - Suggest a way to track remote branch in the error log (cqi) - Remove deprecated support for kojiconfig (onosek) - Switch from krb_login to gssapi_login - rhbz#1830430 (onosek) - Disable test method's docstring in nosetests list (onosek) - Check repo name for correct format (onosek) - Unittests for passing additional arguments (onosek) - Passing additional arguments to underlaying commands - #432 (onosek) - Updated supported plaforms in documentation (onosek) - Repair compatible formatting for Python 2.6 (onosek) - Repair downloading sources into external directory (onosek)- Patch: Skip 'sources' file when it is missing- Patch: added layout module to deal with different package layouts - Patch: clog tests workaround- Second attempt - Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.9- Patch: Switch from krb_login to gssapi_login- Releasing the epel8 version- More transparent check of retired package (onosek) - Run newer version of sphinx-build tool (onosek) - Lookaside cache upload is not based on an extension - #484 (onosek) - container-build: additional warning when using --release (mlangsdo) - allow compose-id with repo-url for container_build (rcerven) - Clone config customization for namespaces - 231 (onosek) - Repair Jenkins tests (onosek) - (new-)sources should fail with git tracked files - 241 (onosek) - Handle new cachito dependency replacement argument (athoscr) - module-build optional key help - 280 (onosek) - Modify watch-cancel message (sgallagh) - Create stats for module builds in 'init' state (csomh) - RPM 4.15 changed header returns from type 'bytes' to 'string'. Handle either by converting to 'string' if necessary. (mmathesi) - Don't expect module build tasks to have "rpms" (mulaieva) - Propagate module_hotfixes to getMockConfig - rhbz#1780228 (lsedlar) - Add check for wrong repo name format during clone - 353 (onosek) - Simplify methods for getting namespace giturl (onosek) - Use a single thread pool while watching module builds (csomh) - Also capture stderr in logfile (orion) - Line up descriptions for better code readability (onosek) - Isolated container-build should allow arches override (rcerven) - container-build: add --koji-parent-build argument (kdreyer) - tests: add container-build --isolated test (kdreyer) - container-build: add --isolated argument (kdreyer) - Pass skip_build option to buildContainer (rcerven) - Reuse koji_cli.lib.unique_path (cqi)- Rebuilt for Some patches: - Propagate module_hotfixes to getMockConfig - Don't expect module build tasks to have "rpms" - RPM 4.15 changed header - type conversion - Create stats for module builds in 'init' state- Patch: limited thread pool for watching module builds- Backport: Isolated container-build should allow arches override- Backport: container-build: add --isolated and --koji-parent-build arguments - Backport: Pass skip_build option to buildContainer - Backport: Reuse koji_cli.lib.unique_path- Add argument to skip build option for container-build (rcerven) - Sorting imports (onosek) - Ignore error when adding exclude patterns - 1733862 (onosek) - Path to lookaside repo fix (onosek) - Add commands for interacting with Koji side-tag plugin - 329 (lsedlar) - Do not delete files related to gating on import (onosek) - Support integer values in the optional module-build arguments (mprahl) - container-build: add --build-release argument (kdreyer) - Allow some arguments for container-build together (onosek) - git-changelog: Fix running on Python 3 - 3 (onosek) - Port to libmodulemd 2 API (lsedlar) - Module-overview allows filtering by owner - 325 (onosek) - Different import --offline command behavior - #445 (onosek) - Show nvr in container-build (onosek) - Custom handler for koji watch_tasks (onosek) - Unittests for clone command (onosek) - Fix clone --branches - rhbz#1707223 (tmz) - Make gitbuildhash work for windows builds (lsedlar)- Update koji dependency- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Obsoletes python2-rpkg after upgrade to Fedora30- Fix libmodulemd requirements- Rebuilt for Now again, libmodulemd is required instead of python3-libmodulemd because it was causing troubles with upgrades.- Modify required version of koji package- Backport: Custom handler for koji watch_tasks - Backport: Show nvr in container-build - Backport: Different import --offline command behavior- Backport: fixed 'clone --branch' command- Ignore files in a cloned repository - #355 (onosek) - Handle data from python RPM binding as UTF-8 string (zebob.m) - srpm_import: be compatible with rhbz#1693751 (praiskup) - Pass --enable-network to mock - 314 (onosek) - Enhance 'module-overview' sub-command to show scratch status of modules. (mmathesi) - Remove the ability to parse a module's branch automatically to determine the base module stream override (mprahl) - Improvements for scratch module builds (mmathesi) - Updates to support scratch module builds (mmathesi) - Refactor fake Koji credential handling from TestBuildPackage class into new FakeKojiCreds class so it can be shared with TestModulesCli class. (mmathesi) - Make Koji upload methods more generic so they can be reused. (mmathesi) - Allow passing --offline and -r to mbs-manager build_module_locally. (jkaluza) - Depth param for clone - tuning (onosek) - Depth param for clone - #363 (onosek) - Pass --disablerepo and --enablerepo to mock - 313 (onosek) - Import srpm without uploading sources - rhbz#1175262 (onosek) - Ignore any specified profile when finding the Flatpak build target (otaylor) - Show module build links in output from command module-build (cqi) - Add 'retire' command supporting both packages and modules (mmathesi) - Fix "push --force" (tim) - Container-build returns its status to command-line - #415 (onosek) - Upload .crate files to lookaside cache - 312 (onosek) - Restrict version of PyYAML on Python 2.6 (lsedlar) - Simplify srpm method (onosek) - Permit setting arbitrary rpm macros during build (riehecky) - Add the ability to configure multiple regex expressions for base_module_stream_regex_from_branch (mprahl) - Do not require PyGObject in - rhbz#1679365 (onosek) - Fixing failing Jenkins tests (onosek) - Unify update-docs script with fedpkg version (onosek) - README: add links (onosek) - Watch multiple module builds (cqi) - Added update-docs script (onosek)- yet another compat fix with RPM after rhbz#1693751- compat fix with RPM after rhbz#1693751- Backport patch for uploading *.crate into lookaside- Revert previous change. Now python-gobject-base & libmodulemd are removed from epel7 and RHEL7- python-gobject-base & libmodulemd also for epel7 and RHEL7- Disable Py2 package on F30+- Rebuilt for Merge changes of the .spec files for Fedora and RHEL- Use idna 2.7 for Python 2.6 (lsedlar) - Imports are sorted (onosek) - libmodulemd is missing on el7 - #402 (onosek) - Initialize bash autocompletion (onosek) - Set configuration in case of "clone --branches" as well (tim) - Fix fake spec file for clog tests (cqi) - Move argparse fix from fedpkg - #398 (onosek) - Send source mtime to dist-git - 220 (lsedlar) - Fix tests for mock package manager (lsedlar) - Specify package manager for mock-config (lsedlar) - Add contributing guide (onosek) - Validate the module build optional argument when parsing the argument (mprahl) - Add config options to parse the base module (e.g. platform) stream from the dist-git branch and apply a buildrequire override (mprahl) - Add the ability to pass in buildrequire and require overrides on a module build (mprahl) - Raise an error if the module build command receives optional arguments that conflict (mprahl) - Silence Python3 SafeConfigParser warnings (mmathesi) - Allow to pass posargs to tox from make (cqi) - Specify dependent packages in one place (cqi) - Don't registry flatpak-build command on Python-2.6 (otaylor) - Add flatpak-build subcommand (otaylor) - Don't pass the MBS API URL around as a parameter (otaylor) - TestContainerBuildWithKoji: tear down the mock appropriately (otaylor) - Refine test runner for py26 (cqi)- Allow build for RHEL-8 (onosek)- No mock warning (onosek)- Add patch from upstream pull-request to add a flatpak-build subcommand - Add PyYAML dependencies so that the spec file at least builds on epel6/epel7- Validate greenwave policy early in (cqi) - Refine error message for failure gating.yaml validation (cqi) - explain mbs-manager exception handling (nils) - test for missing mbs-manager with errno set (nils) - catch errno == ENOENT if mbs-manager is missing (nils) - add missing method docstring (nils) - Show full error from MBS (lsedlar) - Fix tests for greenwave policy validation (cqi) - Add testenv for building docs (cqi) - New option --buildrootdir - rhbz#1583822 (cqi) - Add --shell option to mockbuild - rhbz#1438685 (cqi) - Validate gating.yaml file for Greenwave gating (gnaponie) - Update README (cqi) - Reduce the number of repo creation for tests (cqi) - Fix flake8 error (cqi) - Drop rpm-py-installer from requires - #357 (cqi) - Allow _run_command to capture and return output to stdout or stderr (cqi) - Claim Python 3.7 in README and package classifiers (cqi) - Fix a bad test teardown (otaylor) - Refactor build command (cqi) - Remove rpmfluff package (cqi) - Set PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY directly for installing pycurl (cqi) - Add py37 testenv (cqi)- Remove dependency python-rpmfluff- Fix installing pycurl for running tests (cqi) - Replace extra module_name with repo_name (cqi) - Replace name module with repo in tests/fixtures/rpkg*.conf (cqi) - Add --fail-fast functionality - #331 (tibbs) - Fix fake spec for build in rawhide (cqi) - Avoid to upload a file with different checksum - #204 (cqi) - Give more information when sources has invalid content - #227 (cqi) - Reserve while import srpm - #149 (cqi) - Set to repo_name property when --name is specified (cqi) - Do not restrict argparse version (cqi) - Check old format args only if there is clone config (cqi) - Fix typo and reword option help and deprecation message (cqi) - Massive replacement of module (cqi) - Deprecate module_name inside rpkg internal (cqi) - Add new option --name and --namespace - #301 (cqi) - Man generator indent workaround (onosek) - Fixing imports in unittests (onosek) - Minor fixes to doc build (cqi) - Fix mistakes during rebase (cqi) - Run document generator script in Py3 explictly (cqi) - Remove warning of nonexisting source/_static/ during doc build (cqi) - Do not generate document for sample rpkg app (cqi) - Exclude subcommand which does not have help (cqi) - Ensure to clean files for generating HTML documents (cqi) - Fix rebase error: add module_build_watch back (cqi) - Fix to list files for building doc (cqi) - Rename (cqi) - Generate HTML document and manpage for sample rpkg (cqi) - Simplify doc Makefile (cqi) - Generate commands HTML and man pages (cqi) - Update existing docstrings (cqi) - Generate documents by sphinx - #50 (cqi) - README: new code should be py3 compatible (ktdreyer) - Provide base_module to clone_config templates - #326 (tmz) - Refactor man generator to be reusable (puiterwijk) - Make sure gitcred doesn't land in man (puiterwijk) - Don't inject the credential helper to push if OIDC is unconfigured (puiterwijk) - Add docblocks to gitcred methods and don't quit if OpenIDC is unconfigured (puiterwijk) - Also inject the credential helper with rpkg push (puiterwijk) - Create a "gitcred" command that functions as an OIDC git-credential helper (puiterwijk)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Remove koji and rpm-py-installer Python package requires - Fix argparse version for el6- Pass the -s/--set-default-stream to mbs-manager for module local builds. (jkaluza) - Write mock config correctly when run in Py 3 (cqi) - Add --with and --without options to 'local' - rhbz#1533416 (tmz) - Add a test for 3f93433 (cqi) - Raise error if rpm command returns non-zero (cqi) - Use getpass.getuser() instead of pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] (jpopelka) - Allow setting custom MBS config file and config section in rpkg.conf. (jkaluza) - Remove py35 testenv (cqi) - Ignore .env and tags (cqi) - Remove question mark from giturl (cqi) - Added custom ArgumentParser (supports allow_abbrev) (jkucera) - Grab the correct first line in case of rpm output (zebob.m)- Require python2-koji 1.15 as the minimum version - Refine BuildRequires- Use NSVs and not build IDs with module-build-local --add-local-build (mprahl) - Fix docstring of test_module_build_local_with_skiptests (mprahl) - Add long_description to package (cqi) - Support local module builds when there are uncommitted changes (mprahl) - Fix clarifying error that occurs when mbs-manager is not installed (mprahl) - Add support for Module Stream Expansion (MBS API v2) (mprahl) - Show errors when a module build fails (mprahl) - Move full download url construction to separate method (frostyx) - Fix compose related params for container-build (lucarval) - Avoid calling /usr/bin/python in tests (miro) - Change default rpmlint configuration file (athoscr) - Use koji.grab_session_options() rather than opencoding it (cfergeau)- Introduce python3 subpackage- Mock ThreadPool in test_module_overview (cqi) - Drop rpmfluff in test (cqi) - Fix hardcoded directory name in test (lsedlar) - Improve testenv for py26 (cqi) - Run tests with old GitPython in py26 testenv (cqi) - Compile pycurl with openssl after F27 (cqi) - Ignore .egg/ from git (cqi) - Add py26 to testenv (cqi) - Install koji from PyPI (cqi) - Make compose-id and repo-url to take one or more values (csomh) - Let git ignore more directories (cqi) - Exclude pyc and __pycache__ globally in sdist (cqi) - Handle nonexisting mbs-manager (cqi) - Add dependent packages for Python 2.6 in (cqi) - Updated module cli API (mcurlej) - Declare Python versions rpkg can work with - #278 (cqi) - Fix flake8 errors (cqi) - Fix tests that do not work with Python 3 (cqi) - Fix tests: not impact by dict.items call (cqi) - Add py36 to testenv - #274 (cqi) - Run tox to run tests and check code styles - #276 (cqi) - Use flake8 3.5.0 (cqi) - Add files under requirements/ to sdist package (cqi) - Install Koji shared library via setuptools (cqi) - Set install and tests requires in (cqi) - Split pypi requirements and refine versions (cqi) - Change type of compose id from string to int (bfontecc) - Install RPM Python binding from PyPI (cqi) - Fix test test_lint_each_file_once (cqi) - Add compose-id and signing-intent arguments (bfontecc) - Use env's python (lucarval) - Use progress callback and TaskWatcher from koji_cli.lib (cqi) - Get buildhash from git+https:// url (lsedlar) - lint: Avoid checking rpm's multiple times (tmz) - Fix giturl as well by calling construct_build_url (cqi) - Fix construct anongiturl for chain-build (cqi) - Fix mock openidc_client (cqi)- Rebuilt for Backport: Add compose-id and signing-intent arguments - Backport: Change type of compose id from string to int- Backport: Fix construct anongiturl for chain-build - Backport: Fix giturl as well by calling construct_build_url- Ignore TestModulesCli if openidc-client is unavailable (cqi) - Port mbs-build to rpkg (mprahl) - Add .vscode to .gitignore (mprahl) - Fix TestPatch.test_rediff in order to run with old version of mock (cqi) - Allow to specify alternative Copr config file - #184 (cqi) - Tests for patch command (cqi) - More Tests for mockbuild command (cqi) - More tests for getting spec file (cqi) - Tests for container-build-setup command (cqi) - Test for container-build to use custom config (cqi) - Suppress output from git command within setUp (cqi) - Skip test if rpmfluff is not available (lsedlar) - Allow to override build URL (cqi) - Test for mock-config command (cqi) - Tests for copr-build command (cqi) - Fix arch-override for container-build (lucarval) - Remove unsupported osbs for container-build (lucarval) - cli: add --arches support for koji_cointainerbuild (mlangsdo) - Strip refs/heads/ from branch only once (lsedlar) - Don't install bin and config files (cqi) - Fix kojiprofile selection in cliClient.container_build_koji (cqi) - Avoid branch detection for 'rpkg sources' (praiskup) - Fix encoding in new command (cqi) - Minor wording improvement in help (pgier) - Fix indentation (pviktori) - Add --with and --without options to mockbuild (pviktori)- Backport: Fix kojiprofile selection in cliClient.container_build_koji (cqi)- Fix PEP8 error (cqi) - Spelling fixes (ville.skytta) - Reword help and description of new-sources and upload commands - rhbz#1248737 (cqi) - Set autorebuild enabled by default (bfontecc) - Add commands to whitelist_externals (cqi) - Declare Python 3 versions to support in (cqi) - Replace unicode with six.text_type (cqi) - Run tests in both Python 2 and 3 with tox (cqi) - Make tests and covered code compatible with Py3 (cqi) - Add requirements files (cqi) - Do not build srpm in test (cqi) - Do not actually run git-diff in tests (cqi) - Remove deprecated modules used in koji (cqi) - Non-zero exit when rpmbuild fails in local command (cqi) - Report deprecation of config via logger (lsedlar) - Print --dist deprecation warning explicitly (lsedlar) - utils: Avoid DeprecationWarning for messages for users (lsedlar) - Supply namespace to lookaside (if enabled) (lsedlar) - Support reading koji config from profile - #187 (cqi) - Remove kitchen (cqi) - Fix string format (cqi) - Recommend --release instead of --dist in mockbuild --help (tmz) - Allow overriding container build target by downstream (lsedlar) - Add a separate property for namespace (lsedlar) - Allow container builds from any namespace (maxamillion) - Make osbs support optional (cqi) - make osbs dependency optional (pavlix) - Allow explicit namespaces with slashes (lsedlar) - Do not hang indefinitely when lookaside cache server stops sending data (jkaluza) - Make --module-name work with namespaces - #216 (lsedlar) - Include README.rst in dist package (cqi) - More document in README - #189 (cqi) - Make new command be able to print unicode - #205 (cqi) - Allow to specify custom info to a dummy commit (cqi) - Load module name correctly even if push url ends in slash - #192 (cqi) - Replace with - #202 (cqi) - Fix rpm command to get changelog from SPEC - rhbz#1412224 (cqi) - Rewrite tests to avoid running rpmbuild and rpmlint (cqi) - Use fake value to make Command in test (cqi) - Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes (ville.skytta)- Rebuilt for Rename koji to python2-koji- Allow using namespace in --module-name attribute- Remove python-osbs-client- Backport to make osbs optional- Rebuilt to rename pyrpkg to python2-rpkg- More upload PyCURL fixes for EL 7 (merlin) - Move tag inheritance check into a separate method (cqi)- Rebuilt for Backport patch to move tag inheritance check to separate method- Better message when fail to authenticate via Kerberos - #180 (cqi)- Refactor Commands._srpmdetails (cqi)- Add missing import koji.ssl.SSLCommon - BZ#1404102 (cqi) - Fix upload with old PyCURL - BZ#1241059 (lsedlar)- Fix default value for krb_rdns options- Add krb_rdns koji config- Conflict with too old fedpkg- Fix test that fails on a Koji ARM builder- New upstream release 1.47- Allow using gssapi for lookaside caches- Update dependencies for python-argparse and python-hashlib- python-six-1.9.0 is the minimum version rpkg depends- Warning untracked patches when push (cqi) - handle correct spec path when push from outside the repo (cqi) - Remove support for BuildContainer release task opt (lucarval)- Depend on python-six to be compatible with Python 3- add missing git-config in the git repo for testing (cqi) - Don't print download/upload progress outside of TTY (lsedlar) - Merge #58 `Rebase of #28 with conflict resolved` (cqi) - Get correct login without TTY (vgologuz) - Merge #63 `More Python 3 compatibility fixes` (lubomir.sedlar) - fix broken when non-ASCII in path (cqi) - More Python 3 compatibility fixes (ville.skytta) - Fix push called without argument (lsedlar) - Use logging.warning instead of deprecated logging.warn (ville.skytta) - Use assertEqual instead of deprecated assertEquals (ville.skytta) - Spelling fixes (ville.skytta) - Add missing dependencies to (ville.skytta) - Add tests for cloning with a namespace (lsedlar) - Fix cloning with -B and namespaced module (lsedlar) - Adjust figuring out the path of the git repo cloned (pingou) - Only clone into the bare_dir if no target was specified (pingou) - Add to the CLI the possibility to specify a target folder for the clone (pingou) - Add unit-tests for cloning into a specified directory (pingou) - Let rpkg support cloning into a specified directory (pingou) - Python 3 fixes (ville.skytta) - rewrite test_commands.setup_module using git (cqi) - Merge #40 `push: check for missing patches` (lubomir.sedlar)- Log container-build task results (lucarval) - Add support for BuildContainer release task opt (lucarval) - handle exception from getTaskInfo correctly (cqi) - fix failure of test_load_spec_where_path_contains_space on RHEL (cqi) - allow space appearing in path to cloned repo (cqi) - fix docstring of Commands.compile (cqi) - Make 'Failed to get ns_module_name from Git url or pushurl' message a warning (issue #42) (orion) - pyrpkg: use git remote get-url --push (mathstuf)- Print warning when using old git configuration (lsedlar) - Add rpms namespace for checkouts without namespace (lsedlar)- Fix problems with namespacing (maxamillion)- Depend on python-osbs directly to avoid python3- Update upstream URL (lsedlar) - Fixes based on lsedlar's feedback (maxamillion) - add distgit namespacing for non-rpm content (docker, xdg-app, etc) (maxamillion) - Container-build: dont't allow to build with unpushed changes (araszka) - Suggest --dist option when can't get OS ver from branch (araszka) - fix: print all tags without filter (araszka) - Fix lookaside upload when --path is specified (araszka) - Lookaside: encoding repo name to UTF-8 (araszka) - Fix errors on Python 2.6 (lsedlar) - Add test and docstring to byte offset convertor (araszka) - Decode .spec file with UTF-8 (araszka) - 1271741 - add copr command (Recommends: copr-cli) (msuchy) - Suggest --target option when unknown target (araszka)- Rebuilt for don't use assertRaises (ttomecek) - refactor test_clone: set clone config in the same test file (pbabinca) - Fix clone test to not use constructor to set clone_config (pbabinca) - Fix test clone test (pbabinca) - Make use of clone_config attribute backwards compatible (pbabinca)- Replace deprecated BaseException.message with str(BaseException) (pbabinca) - Don't print exception message during check repo tests (pbabinca) - Add support for setting post-clone git config (ville.skytta)- Fix parse error (pbabinca)- Add support for --nocheck (orion) - container-build: check repo (ttomecek) - move repo checking to a method (ttomecek) - Add 'oxt' and 'xpi' extensions to UPLOADEXTS (dsilakov) - Switch-branch: give more info about error (araszka) - Recognize binary files with .oxt and .xpi extensions (dsilakov) - Container-build: add --nowait option (araszka) - bash autocompletion: support for command container-build-config (pbabinca) - Implement getter for autorebuild value, use 'true' and 'false' for values (bkabrda) - Add a command and option to change container build setup (bkabrda) - Edit tests for python2.6 - EL6 (araszka) - tests: Don't use assertNotIn (araszka) - tests: Don't use assertRaises as context manager (araszka) - tests: Don't use check_output (araszka) - Typo in import --help descriptions (araszka) - change the url for rpkg (dennis)- container-build: support yum repos with --build-with=koji (pbabinca) - container-build: move --scratch option to koji group (pbabinca) - Print task info for container-build (pbabinca)- Rebuilt for pyrpkg Requires python-osbs- Test for scratch opt in the actual argument of container_build_koji (pbabinca) - Move the GitIgnore class to its own module (bochecha) - Modernize the gitignore-handling code (bochecha) - gitignore: Properly handle adding matching lines (bochecha) - Refactor: remove unnecessary code (pbabinca) - Move custom UnknownTargetError to errors module (pbabinca) - New command: container-build (jluza) - lookaside: Take over file uploads (bochecha) - Remove unnecessary log message (bochecha) - Stop making source files read-only (bochecha) - Drop some useless comments (bochecha) - Only report we're uploading when we actually are (bochecha) - lookaside: Check if a file already was uploaded (bochecha) - lookaside: Allow client-side and custom CA certificates (bochecha) - lookaside: Be more flexible when building the download URL (bochecha) - lookaside: Use the hashtype for the URL interpolation (bochecha) - lookaside: Add a progress callback (bochecha) - lookaside: Handle downloading of source files (bochecha) - lookaside: Move handling of file verification (bochecha) - lookaside: Move handling of file hashing (bochecha) - utils: Add a new warn_deprecated helper (bochecha) - Add a new lookaside module (bochecha) - Add a new utils module (bochecha) - Properly set the logger (bochecha) - Move our custom errors to their own module (bochecha) - Don't assume MD5 for the lookaside cache (bochecha) - Remove dead code (bochecha) - Use the proper exception syntax (bochecha)- tests: Don't use assertIsNone (bochecha) - tests: Don't use assertRaises as a context manager (bochecha) - Add long --verbose option to -v, new --debug and -d option (pbabinca)- New mockbuild options: --no-clean --no-cleanup-after (jskarvad) - Catch ssl auth problems and print more helpful messages (pbabinca) - New exception - rpkgAuthError to allow clients detect auth problems (pbabinca)- tests: Properly open/close the file (bochecha) - sources: Support writing in either the old or new format (bochecha) - sources: Reindent code (bochecha)- Refactor: remove unused imports from test_sources (pbabinca) - Don't do several times the same thing (bochecha) - sources: Forbid mixing hash types (bochecha) - sources: Move to the new file format (bochecha) - Rewrite the sources module (bochecha)- Use %{__python} instead of %{__python2} as it might be not defined- add python-nose as BuildRequires as run tests in check section (pbabinca) - pass extra data to the Commands object via properties instead of __init__() (mikeb) - clean up Koji login, and properly support password auth (mikeb) - add --runas option (mikeb) - run os.path.expanduser on the kojiconfig attribute in case the path is in the user's home directory (bstinson) - Override GIT_EDITOR in tests (pbabinca) - Massive Flake8 fix (bochecha) - Fix some more Flake8 issues (bochecha) - Fix some flake8 issues (bochecha) - Simplify some code (bochecha) - Fix typo (bochecha) - tests: Ensure functioning of Commands.list_tag (bochecha) - list_tags: Stop executing a command (bochecha) - list_tags: Fix the docstring (bochecha) - delete_tag: Stop executing a command (bochecha) - tests: Ensure functioning of Commands.delete_tag (bochecha) - add_tag: Run the tag command in the right directory (bochecha) - tests: Ensure proper functioning of Commands.add_tag (bochecha) - tests: Factor out some code (bochecha) - tests: Ensure functioning of Commands.clone (bochecha) - gitignore: Make sure each line ends with a \n (bochecha) - gitignore: We're not modified any more after we wrote to disk (bochecha) - tests: Ensure proper functioning of GitIgnore (bochecha) - tests: Use nose (bochecha) - Remove unused import (bochecha) - Some more PEP8 (bochecha) - Add classifiers to (pbabinca) - Add new sources file parser even with unit tests (pbabinca) - If source file doesn't exist continue without downloading files (pbabinca) - Reformat to be compliant with PEP 8 (pbabinca)- Compare fuller remote branch name with local branch before build- Explicitly define pyrpkg's client name for man pages (pbabinca) - Refactor mock results dir to property (pbabinca) - Add skip-diffs option for import_srpms (lars) - Properly remove possible .py when creating man pages (lars) - Process srpm imports to empty repositories more explicitly (pbabinca) - Make UPLOADEXTS a class variable that can be extended (lars) - Introduce self.default_branch_remote for fresh clones (pbabinca) - On self.path change reset properties which could used old value (pbabinca) - Remove empty entry from git ls-files to not confuse following code (pbabinca) - Remove file names during srpm import in more extensible way (pbabinca) - Fix issue causing all current local builds via fedpkg to use md5 rather than sha256 (spot) - License replaced with official GPL 2.0 license from (pbabinca) - Allow "rpkg commit -s" (pjones)- rpkg doesn't have a python module so use pyrpkg instead (pbabinca)- 1.25 release (pbabinca) - Note to do_imports() doc. (pbabinca) - Change default option for switch-branch from --no-fetch to --fetch (pbabinca) - Allow default name of the library to be set by subclasses (pbabinca) - Use name attribute of cliClient to get configuration (pbabinca) - Make executable (pbabinca) - Use direct git call for fetches (pbabinca) - Print reason for failed switch-branch (pbabinca) - Match whole branch with remote name when switching branch (pbabinca) - Refactor: deduplicate remote & branch_merge (pbabinca) - De-hardcode 'origin' as the remote name (bochecha) - Fallback the remote on 'origin' (bochecha)- 1.24 release (pbabinca) - Work around signed srpms (Till Maas) - Properly raise the error (bochecha) - Ability to skip NVR construction altogether for builds (pbabinca) - If we failed to parse NVRE from rpm output use better error message (pbabinca) - If command to get NVRE printed anything to stderr log that command (pbabinca) - Refactor: correctly split string on multi lines (pbabinca) - Use nvr_check as an optional argument for build (pbabinca) - 1.23 release (pbabinca) - Use module_name setter instead of constructor parameter (pbabinca) - Set pushurl & branch_remote by default (pbabinca) - 1.22 release (pbabinca) - Define module name from command line, git url and lastly from spec (pbabinca) - Revert "Define module name from command line, git url and lastly from spec" (pbabinca)- Rebuilt for Refactor: split strings on multi lines without spaces from indentation (pbabinca) - Refactor: remove spaces at the end of lines (pbabinca) - Define module name from command line, git url and lastly from spec (pbabinca) - Option to skip NVR existence check in build system before build (pbabinca) - Add an 'epoch' property to pyrpkg.Commands (bochecha) - Fetch remotes before switch-branch by default (pbabinca) - Protect rhpkg's --arches argument (pbabinca)- read krbservice from the koji config file (dennis) - We can assume that rpkg is installed if the (ville.skytta) - clog: Don't require empty line between changelog entries. (ville.skytta) - Spelling fixes. (ville.skytta) - expand %{name} and %{verion} macros when checking for unused_patches check for .patch and .diff files as patches (dennis) - clean up some language ambiguities (dennis) - clog: Support %changelog tag written in non-lowercase. (ville.skytta) - add spkg as a binary file extention rhbz#972903 (dennis) - Fixed version to 1.19 (pbabinca) - Don't track spec file here (pbabinca) - 1.20 (pbabinca) - Mock config temp dir in the form $(target)-$(localarch).$(mktemp)mockconfig (pbabinca)- Rebuilt for Generate mock-config for mockbuild if needed (rhbz#856928) (pbabinca)- Rebuilt for Require %{version}-%{release} rather %{name}-%{version}- Rebuilt for Use rpmdefines when querying for package name- Don't assume master branch for chain builds (jkeating)- Only read from .koji/config (jkeating)- Fix branch push warning (jkeating) - Handle CVS based builds when getting build hash (jkeating)- Warn if the checked out branch cannot be pushed (jkeating) - Warn if commit or tag fails and we don't push (#21) (jkeating) - Honor ~/.koji/config (rhbz#785776) (jkeating) - Update help output for switch-branch (rhbz#741742) (jkeating)- Return proper exit code from builds (#20) (jkeating) - Fix md5 option in the build parser (jkeating) - More completion fixes (jkeating) - Add mock-config and mockbuild completion (jkeating) - Simplify test for rpkg availability. (ville.skytta) - Fix ~/... path completion. (ville.skytta (jkeating) - Add a --raw option to clog (#15) (jkeating) - Make things quiet when possible (jkeating) - Fix up figuring out srpm hash type (jkeating) - Allow defining an alternative builddir (jkeating) - Conflict with older fedpkg (jkeating) - Attempt to automatically set the md5 flag (jkeating) - Use -C not -c for config. (#752411) (jkeating) - Don't check gpg sigs when importing srpms (ticket #16) (jkeating) - Enable md5 option in mockbuild (twaugh) (jkeating)- Fix mock-config (ticket #13) (jkeating) - Make md5 a common build argument (jkeating) - Move arches to be a common build argument (ticket #3) (jkeating) - Find remote branch to track better (jkeating)- Change clog output to be more git-like (sochotnicky) - Fix mockconfig property (bochecha) - Use only new-style classes everywhere. (bochecha) - Testing for access before opening a file is unsafe (bochecha) - Add a gitbuildhash command (jkeating) - Always make sure you have a absolute path (aj) (jkeating) - don't try to import brew, just do koji (jkeating)- Use -C for --config shortcut (jkeating) - Don't leave a directory on failure (#754082) (jkeating) - Fix chain build (#754189) (jkeating) - Don't hardcode brew here (jkeating)- Don't upload if there is nothing to upload. (jkeating) - --branch option for import is not supported yet (jkeating) - Add epilog about mock-config generation (jkeating) - Don't assume we can create a folder named after the module. (bochecha) - Fix passing the optional mock root to mockbuild (bochecha) - Add missing registration for mockbuild target (bochecha) - Make the clean target work with --path. (bochecha) - Fix typo in a comment. (bochecha) - Fix syntax error in main script. (bochecha) - Fix typo. (bochecha)- Get more detailed error output from lookaside (jkeating) - Move the curl call out to it's own function (jkeating) - Hide build_common from help/usage (jkeating) - Fix the help command (jkeating)- Support a manually specified mock root (jkeating) - Add a mock-config subcommand (jkeating) - Fix a traceback on error. (jkeating) - Remove debugging code (jkeating) - More git api updates (jkeating) - Add topurl as a koji config and property (jkeating) - Add a mockconfig property (jkeating) - Turn the latest commit into a property (jkeating)- Allow name property to load by itself (jkeating)- Fix tag listing (#717528) (jkeating) - Revamp n-v-r property loading (#721389) (jkeating) - Don't use os.getlogin (jkeating) - Code style changes (jkeating) - Allow fedpkg lint to be configurable and to check spec file. (pingou) - Handle non-scratch srpm builds better (jkeating)- Be more generic when no spec file is found (jkeating) - Hint about use of git status when dirty (jkeating) - Don't use print when we can it (jkeating) - Don't exit from a library (jkeating) - Do the rpm query in our module path (jkeating) - Use git's native ability to checkout a branch (jkeating) - Use keyword arg with clone (jkeating) - Allow the on-demand generation of an srpm (jkeating) - Fix up exit codes (jkeating)- Fix a debug string (jkeating) - Set the right property (jkeating) - Make sure we have a default hashtype (jkeating) - Use underscore for the dist tag (jkeating) - Fix the kojiweburl property (jkeating)- Fill out the krb_creds function (jkeating) - Fix the log message (jkeating) - site_setup is no longer needed (jkeating) - Remove some rhtisms (jkeating) - Wire up the patch command in client code (jkeating) - Add a patch command (jkeating)- Use version macro in files- New tarball release with correct license files- Fix up things found in review- Initial packagepython2-rpkg  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0121.61-1.el81.611.611.61-1.el8 pyrpkg__init__.py__pycache____init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc__init__.cpython-36.pyccli.cpython-36.opt-1.pyccli.cpython-36.pycerrors.cpython-36.opt-1.pycerrors.cpython-36.pycgitignore.cpython-36.opt-1.pycgitignore.cpython-36.pyclookaside.cpython-36.opt-1.pyclookaside.cpython-36.pycman_gen.cpython-36.opt-1.pycman_gen.cpython-36.pycsources.cpython-36.opt-1.pycsources.cpython-36.pycutils.cpython-36.opt-1.pycutils.cpython-36.pyccli.pyerrors.pygitignore.pylayout__init__.py__pycache____init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc__init__.cpython-36.pycbase.cpython-36.opt-1.pycbase.cpython-36.pyclayouts.cpython-36.opt-1.pyclayouts.cpython-36.pycbase.pylayouts.pylookaside.pyman_gen.pysources.pyutils.pyrpkg-1.61-py3.6.egg-infoPKG-INFOSOURCES.txtdependency_links.txtrequires.txttop_level.txtpython3-rpkgCHANGELOG.rstREADME.rstpython3-rpkgCOPYINGCOPYING-kojiLGPL/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyrpkg//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyrpkg/__pycache__//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyrpkg/layout//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyrpkg/layout/__pycache__//usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rpkg-1.61-py3.6.egg-info//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/python3-rpkg//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/python3-rpkg/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryPython script, ASCII text executablepython 3.6 byte-compiledASCII text  !"#$%147:= RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPRPPRR R RR RRPPRPPRPPRPPRPPR !#,్H]"k%js) `>Xn'xl9 loR% YM8/)\&lsEzT('T|g284M./cQS.BV[}~u&?CsT*byx1^|HBYΑϳ9PL+~[]*2Xm돡I41 0g*#@8:xbL?)a]5QhIT3q+$jEn wp֮7+,+^syRlj{ c< ,ؤt?“kj3ń 9)=s0,|U&S4w3f=F٪~qݘev7"Yk_M`\2Zy1}y$# FV 5@/SU vf-BX$!gQ 2j:-Fi(@5.ڇ٥7Ug×p堡Є7˻h$9.țf95+423X*5,>_cL`gtg =5gλ n%o mЃ#4q`\Gۅyb:lGJ:ة@26ȴ{M]~imоwTNw <%JbV)k Syտ'T`^F|sγ# (T +MzX|Cwd.xsBr% sl _ OY#І8uVil!XE"m(4S,-LҞWt='qf4a31q%tL]v[z C]T{ $Ap̱D伴A`ݦZ9}L{@Y8V#x7u|,tfRPnכ( }T/-Mc~!LX$,߈ԶSeI=,Ce>eh%q) }=epYdcL?VFalw60GrXFL$"^lp>jvh|⳵}Y^1֛ZhKc6O `.¤RqiT ɟƌxX4A8wƽ~= iYɱ T|ͥ@ovjy¸/1.+tP3wkh L |ƦxL$*Ϛy4 3T~EGO5EFP.݆ aQӌ!0:©"!Rx$ϰQm2'HБդ׿QU\` \osKkm."9STNJ| :h3 6ovi![G:e9dhpտaMk]QΤǬYNjmKqb`ovt]&{)-BC@ Ut0ұWf̹N" Fp1 idi93f[y$0fiz5ZI7pw{AA"+:ˇ1C v͜akC2(6:J=HBnLUFZ>5f2 BRCdH-E`}K u{:unjp|"wa[8 61pR5>rd}|A8u[aBz C ’Vl(` '4b֬$CϷ69ﴐ}N]"pϫ~ m`P{LQ~lud5. -sS5+㽆O*~" Y#Wo0%̠T~,w_=v3sGԑA?ĂEk]ClʵZ0!ͪ- ZO$!k'mY _@åhCS3`Ym}EfHg\T`xZ)IᢹO 3OGguad/POcRA4̀yAe0uqHiȉǠaz+ j::,nu(j@QŮ9 K G};Eihj?cPשyy2MϿ.h?\~8Қr˗BTܵ\,fgU=mo:]c%tGԪ3I෢!n9x]ywcfBםڌx(fЍ$6m-7_,/'GKMDV!0MO~U"x4$XWCXrBԟ&!%omʚf6s+& ;ܪDwc! qӾ,Wܹ|V6ZMг0Vm(vz{nN,:Jz2ўo 6sJs2]7M)il\Y k*K8*bh?䜥o:%˱ -Τr6L7wF9k'FT@Y^X(#{d@Y `z DOQFiwc5 K|J@ANZh7NWjOy\_(Maw{[*%h -qXҸYJK.BUt]>DYP 70> =nb*p6 J zi&,6W68o:bKVqy0k"Y#<pa* WVyt􊤢0H&0g;~%_1,+fj1GtuiUS ز:En57]Bk޻n!=f@t§|i3S)4~ 9E%r}@ EK $X݀mwx-F,ɟwQԴ!ymJkc" ko $?|rw:˕$7f CHʂNy^:)2KU eƚq9FO(ܦYesRtQsήėO%ջ6S#?60BFf\^#6g&;9/ ; EOF4sTi<:QsA cdp2[84;S3(G~6)Y,=Y1P.>p2r!0/:(؝$+#omT5Ԩ_͐&DjA?@Sڦ ۔`Q2j]VEҘFGɣƱ _|On;+4Ҥrgk= {eʈj"prg,Mh))%JmủS<\nb,B0WҖ&=Pğ!'?g9#My^*8/2!GB вuR94.WӟRFL7_vCt#،E\}eKcc#PIxuMBgKҨxzQ{}_A10A:ϕpѕƒ~4]u$%/  fb!T. 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